Lottery Quick Guide (Ann Collier)

By Laura Campagna Contributor

Ann Collier, in her piece, Lottery Quick Guide: Increase Your Odds 99%, Ms. Collier explains how one can increase their odds for winning the lottery. Ms.Collier does suggest for one to look at websites with lottery information. But, that is not necessary. Her method greatly increases your winning odds, and here are some of her insights:

When one is playing a five or six lottery, there are certain pieces of information to review, states Collier. For example, when playing…Read More

When The Storm Passes (Julie Jett)

By Judy A. Kessinger Contributor

This book was easy to read and get familiar with the characters especially the young girl with all the emotions she goes through in a very trying time. Their day starts out like many do, having breakfast, talking about the day, etc. and the next thing you know the unthinkable happens without any time to prepare or even know what the next moment will bring.

Miss Jett has given a young girl many feelings to deal with, work through and knows how to project those feelings in a way that you can feel…Read More

Not Well (Jaime Curtis Baker)

By Judy A. Kessinger Contributor

When I first started reading this book, I thought that the author was onto something that many people feel from time to time in their personal and professional lives. Being at work and sitting at your desk (at times) trying to stay focused and finding yourself wondering so many things as mentioned here. How many times have you wished for a better life, wondered what else could go wrong, wishing that the upper management or fellow employees would treat you better, etc.

This author has put down in words what some only dream about, cannot or won’t voice….Read More

How to Save $50,000 on a College Education (Laura H. Gilbert)

By Sheryl Faber Contributor

How to Save $50,000 on a College Education was written by a savvy mother of four who painstakingly gathered all the knowledge she used to put her own children through college and placed it in the pages of this short manual.

Written in simple, easy-to-understand language, this book is a must for any parent with high school students readying themselves for the expense of a higher education. It strategically lays out methods to avoid having post-college life dampened by crushing student debt loads.
Subjects covered in this book include choosing the right college to meet individual needs, tuition cost-cutting ideas, the importance of grades and extracurricular activities and hints for paving the way for graduate school….Read More