What Makes Women Tick?
Alistair Shipsey (Author)
( 3+ Reviews )
Are you wary of women?
Have you been mislead, hurt or used by a woman?
Have you ever wondered:
– What makes a woman tick?
-Why do women abuse me?
– Why do women manipulate men?
– Why do women twist words to suit their own purposes?
You can’t live with ‘em, but you can’t live without ‘em either.
There are ways to relate to a woman that end up in mutual satisfaction, joy and love, without all the strings attached and complications. Would you like to find out what they are?
Each woman is a complex individual, someone you will never really know. No matter how close you get, or how much trust you have, a woman has many masks. She can change her mask every day, be anything or anyone they want to, at the drop of a hat.
So how can you navigate these choppy emotional waters, with someone whose behaviour changes to suit their whims?
How can you make a woman happy and ensure you look after yourself as well?
This is a book for men who are perplexed about women and feel like they don’t know how to behave with women.
You’re not alone, my friends! I hope you find some words of wisdom to help with your relationships in this book.
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What Makes Women Tick?
Alistair Shipsey (Author)
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