Ansgar: The Struggle of a People. The Triumph of the Heart.

Ansgar: The Struggle of a People. The Triumph of the Heart. (The Windflower Saga Book 1)
Aleksandra Layland (Author)

Set in a medieval-like world, “Ansgar” is the first part of the epic fantasy Windflower Saga trilogy, a multi-genre action/romance/fantasy novel. Ansgar, youngest son of King Bogumil of Kimbria, has never visited the southernmost lands of his dukedom.

No one lives in the vast Wastelands except a few fishermen, nuns, monks, and the remnants of the Kimbrii people. These original inhabitants of Kimbria were once famous as horsemen and mounted archers but are now on the brink of extinction. Returning to his homeland after several years away, Ansgar journeys directly to the south to search for the Kimbrii but his ship and crew are lost in a storm at sea…..Read More

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Ansgar: The Struggle of a People. The Triumph of the Heart. (The Windflower Saga Book 1)
Aleksandra Layland (Author)

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Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet: Mediterranean Cookbook For Beginners, Lose Weight And Get Healthy (Mediterranean Recipes, Mediterranean For Beginners, Mediterranean Cookbook, Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss)
Brian James (Author)

Are you struggling with weight loss? Do you want to look more beautiful and filled with much more energy? Do you want to change your whole life?

Use these weight loss tips and delicious recipes to achieve happiness, health, and beauty, without boring workouts, diets, and cutting calories….Read More

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Mediterranean Diet: Mediterranean Cookbook For Beginners, Lose Weight And Get Healthy (Mediterranean Recipes, Mediterranean For Beginners, Mediterranean Cookbook, Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss)
Brian James (Author)

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Moonlight Dreams

Moonlight Dreams: Messy Feed’s Rough Draft
J Deville (Author)

Moonlight Dreams is a fairy tale introduction to Mystifying/Gooey monsters. Journey to a different world as you trek through an ancient treasure trail. Citadel Tiempo’s ghouls and friendly characters are a joy to experience as they bring the past to life in this spooky novel…Read More

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Moonlight Dreams: Messy Feed’s Rough Draft
J Deville (Author)

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