GBT Featured Book Review: Epic Sloth: Tales of the Long Crawl
Philip Gaber (Author)
( 3+ Reviews )
Epic Sloth: Tales of the Long Crawl by Philip Gaber makes a quick, but compelling, read. Written from the heart, Epic Sloth chronicles the life of a writer bogged down by the nuances of everyday life.
“What do you want to do for the rest of your life?” This is one question the protagonist is asked, and a question he dreads. He grapples with the possibility that his life might be plot-less, meaningless. Epic Sloth is about his journey through life and finally his triumphs. Through close but thoughtful narration, as well as intricate detail, Epic Sloth tells a moving story about an artist searching for his purpose his life. The characters in Epic Sloth are nothing short of interesting. Each character has their own quirks, idiosyncrasies, personalities. Together, they form a realistic, intriguing story that entertains.
Artistic individuals will relate closely to the dear protagonist of Epic Sloth and his dilemmas. They will laugh at his sharp humor, be imbibed by his wisdom and be moved by his depth of emotion. Readers will find themselves invested in the protagonist and the crisply written episodes of his life, so much so that they will turn page after page. Readers who dream of accomplishing more in life will no doubt be inspired by Epic Sloth. Readers who yearn to break out from normalcy and achieve something great will adore it. Gaber has woven poetry and prose with elegance and style, forming a seamless story readers of good literature will enjoy. Language is clear and succinct, and conveys the philosophical messages constructing this intelligent story with utmost excellence. Readers will enjoy interpreting Epic Sloth and in so doing enrich their personal lives.
All in all, Epic Sloth: Tales of the Long Crawl is worth a read, and a second read, and a third. Thought-provoking, meaningful and refreshing, Epic Sloth deserves a treasured spot on your bookshelf. – Reviews
Epic Sloth: Tales of the Long Crawl
Philip Gaber (Author)
ISBN: 978-0615726489
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