I Was A Teenage Know Nothing

I Was A Teenage Know Nothing
Ryon Ownbey (Author)

Dating, motorcycles, car races, and The Movie Theater Club await you. Life can seem rough for a young man growing up. There are lessons to be learned, experiences to be had, and emotions to be tested. Not all of which will have a positive outcome……Read More

I Was A Teenage Know Nothing
Ryon Ownbey (Author)

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101 Awesome Original Monologues for 20 Somethings

101 Awesome Original Monologues for 20-Somethings
Joyce Storey and Talia Pura (Authors)

101 Awesome Original Monologues for 20-Somethings has been written expressly for actors. Before you walk into an audition, you must hone your craft and fill your toolbox. Monologues are wonderful mechanisms for discovery as well as necessary tools for auditions……Read More

101 Awesome Original Monologues for 20-Somethings
Joyce Storey (Author)

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Aleksandar Gutovic (Author)

Journalist Edward Lindstrom attends a hypnosis session in search of a story but quickly finds himself, along with the other participants, in the sights of the secretive Order of Anu. This cult seeks the Chosen One, the bearer of a secret and forgotten human history……Read More

Aleksandar Gutovic (Author)

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Crossing Back Over: The Practice of Owning and Accepting Bipolar Disorder

Crossing Back Over: The Practice of Owning and Accepting Bipolar Disorder
Brett Stevens (Author)

Brett’s most recent manic episode has derailed him from life as the director of operations at a prominent software start-up in Texas. He is now at home, fully dependent on his mother, and officially diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Brett is terrified……Read More

Crossing Back Over: The Practice of Owning and Accepting Bipolar Disorder
Brett Stevens (Author)

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