Of Wisdom and Valor: The Art of War. The Path of Peace.
Aleksandra Layland (Author)
( 1+ Reviews )
Fans of fantasy, tales of royalty, love, stories of deception, war, and everything in between will find the second book of “The Windflower Saga, Of Wisdom and Valor: The Art of War, The Path of Peace” by Aleksandra Layland impossible to put down. This epic saga is engrossed in vivid detail and flowing prose. Audiences will follow along with bated breath through a story, which spans across generations, as this book continues on with Descendants of the Ansgar Kingdom.
This second book certainly stands on its own as a complete and enthralling tale, yet fits in magnificently as an addition to the first book in the series. A story that takes the characters from Wastelands of Kimbria to royal garb is set in a world that is endlessly relatable to reality, it is easy for the reader to feel like he or she is a part of the story. This in turn means that the reader cannot help but be deeply invested in what happens to this family, and at times be worried for the characters.
Aleksandra Layland’s writing is continually heartfelt and vivid, while the story contained in Of Wisdom and Valor is gripping and complex. The author Layland immerses the reader in a beautifully woven tapestry of storytelling and character the moment one opens the book. The characters are believable in the way that they are shades of gray, allowing the argument of what makes someone truly good or evil, and what may lead to those circumstances. Due to the layered nature of the narrative in this often-harrowing tale, readers are bound to find new aspects previously missed with each read. This epic fantasy will exceed expectations of the genre in the best of ways. Expertly crafted with intricate layers and heart within the story, readers will want to purchase the entirety of the Windflower Saga, including this second volume, to read it again and again. – GoodbooksToday.com Reviews
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Wisdom and Valor: The Art of War. The Path of Peace.
Aleksandra Layland (Author)
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