Featured Book Review: “On A Poetic Life”: Essays in Rhyme
Mr. Arnold P. Abbott (Author)
Arnold Abbott’s book, On A Poetic Life: Biographic Essays in Rhyme features almost episodic short stories within the artfully written poems presented. Eloquent and extremely profound, the author often uses more light hearted imagery to push forth what he is trying to say, yet at other times pulls no punches and instead tells the concept quite bluntly. On A Poetic Life is a very personal work, yet it speaks to generations of readers. Those interested in politics, current events, human rights activists, history and civil rights should pick this book up for a read. Sincere, intelligent, thought provoking and unapologetic, Abbott still manages to delicately put some of the harsher concepts of the world onto paper.
Poetry is being used here in a brilliant way, for as a medium, it is not so overbearing or droning a read as the average book on the same material might be. It keeps the concepts easy to digest and flowing, while allowing the reader plenty of space to put in a bookmark without feeling disjointed upon picking it up again later. As much as the author speaks of the darker aspects of this country and the misery these things have wrought, it is a hopeful and positive work. The author gives a thoughtful look at ways to better the life of anyone who reads it, and gives suggestions to better the lives those people will then affect. This work will make an excellent conversation starter and guide on even the most difficult of political subjects. Teachers, both of History and English may think of having this in their personal libraries or on shelves at school. Arnold P. Abbott’s On A Poetic Life: Biographic Essays in Rhyme features stories and general life advice, as well as articulately voicing a well versed frustration on the current state of the world, and how to fix it.
“On A Poetic Life”: Essays in Rhyme
Mr. Arnold P. Abbott (Author)
ISBN: 1-4775-7001-2