The Sixth Event

The Sixth Event
J. P. Carol (Author)
( 2+ Reviews )

The Sixth Event is a novel of modern day intrigue and mystery concerning the oldest prophecy known to Mankind. An ancient manuscript found in the Judean Desert in 14 B.C. predicts six events in the time of modern Man. Five of these events were to be miracles of such magnitude that no Man would deny that they were in fact miracles. But the Sixth Event….. According to Vatican scholars translating the document, if all five of the other events come to pass, the sixth event could possibly point to the ‘Second Coming of the Son of God’. Concerned about the impact such a document would have on the modern world of today, the Vatican is urged not to make the manuscript’s existence public and to keep it hidden in the vaults beneath Rome. But as miracles begin to happen around the world, the Vatican is forced to quietly dispatch an Inspector to investigate.

When a third miracle occurs in Los Angeles, California, a female Detective with the LAPD is reluctantly assigned to work with the Vatican Inspector to uncover the truth surrounding the mystery of the events and their meaning. But as they search for answers, strange things begin to happen. Each of the people involved with the miracles begin to disappear without a trace leaving unanswered questions. Who is taking them and why? Is it the ‘L’arginatos’, or Demons who have been spawned from lost and forgotten scriptures of the old testament, and whose only purpose is to strip away Mankind’s faith before the truth about the sixth event is revealed? And can the Detective and the Vatican Inspector discover that truth before it’s too late!

The Sixth Event
J. P. Carol
ASIN: 1497596319

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